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Beovich Walter and Friend

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Address: 1001 SW 5th Ave # 1200
City: Portland
State: OR
Zip: 97204

Phone: (503) 228-7201
E-mail: [email protected]
Business Since: N/A
Owner: N/A
Services: N/A

Total Score
90 — 100%: 0 reviews
80 — 90%: 0 reviews
70 — 80%: 0 reviews
60 — 70%: 0 reviews
0 — 60%: 0 reviews

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About Us

Beovich Walter & Friend Certified Court Reporters has been providing exceptional services to the legal community in the Pacific Northwest since 1957, making our firm the longest operating reporting firm in Oregon. Year 51 begins with our ability to serve you on the national as well as local level along with a commitment to provide you with the most innovative technology available in the industry. Our dedication continues with the mission upon which our success has been founded to meet the highest standards of quality, to provide the highest level of expertise and to do so with the utmost integrity. As your legal services needs have become more diverse, our offerings have evolved to meet those needs, expanding to include the most innovative solutions to all of your unique court reporting, video, videoconferencing and document management needs. Our client-focused staff stands ready to assist you, our interactive website always available for access to your case information whenever you might need it.