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K and F Coffee

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Address: 2706 SE 26th Ave. (at Clinton St.)
City: Portland
State: OR
Zip: 97202

Phone: (503)238-2547
E-mail: [email protected]
Business Since: N/A
Owner: N/A
Services: N/A

Total Score
90 — 100%: 0 reviews
80 — 90%: 0 reviews
70 — 80%: 0 reviews
60 — 70%: 0 reviews
0 — 60%: 0 reviews

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About Us

The K&F benchmark demands the world's finest beans--exclusive Arabica beans grown at the highest altitudes around the world. Delivered fresh to K&F's Portland roasting house, each sample is then meticulously "cupped" (or taste-tested) to ensure the highest quality, and the finest texture, flavor and aroma. We proudly roast more than 100 regular and decaffeinated varietals, blends, and K&F BellaSelva Organic Coffees, including shade-grown, Bird Friendly and Fair Trade CertifiedTM coffees.