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Neutral Ground Mediation Service

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Address: 9220 SW Barbur Blvd # 119-348
City: Portland
State: OR
Zip: 97219

Phone: (503) 452-0936
E-mail: [email protected]
Business Since: N/A
Owner: N/A
Services: N/A

Total Score
90 — 100%: 0 reviews
80 — 90%: 0 reviews
70 — 80%: 0 reviews
60 — 70%: 0 reviews
0 — 60%: 0 reviews

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About Us

Holly Wells is director and primary mediator for Neutral Ground Mediation Services and has been mediating since 1992. She has completed more than 160 hours of mediation training and has been certified by three community mediation programs. She is currently a member of the Advisory Committee for the Portland Neighborhood Mediation Center and served for a year as a volunteer in that program in 2000. Holly also volunteered as a mediator for the District of Columbia Mediation Service (1992-1996) and the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights (1993-1997). She served as an Equal Employment Opportunity counselor while working as an administrator at the National Academy of Sciences (1994-1998). Holly holds a B.A. from the University of California at Riverside and completed all course work but the thesis for a Master of Theological Studies degree at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC.